Photos - Mablethorpe beach with the Snowdens, April 2009

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Gabe and Chris playing cricket.
682x511, 51.7K, 2009/04/13
John and the girls playing in the water.
682x511, 64.2K, 2009/04/13
Helen and Lily.
682x511, 42.7K, 2009/04/13
John and the girls.
682x511, 40.7K, 2009/04/13
Gabe looking at the sea while Immy, Hattie and Ella are posing.
682x511, 45.0K, 2009/04/13
Ella and Hattie.
682x511, 52.2K, 2009/04/13
John and Lily.
682x511, 39.5K, 2009/04/13
Ella and Immy playing in the sand.
682x511, 77.3K, 2009/04/13
The pier.
682x511, 43.5K, 2009/04/13
"Forlorn hope". I shall sell it to the Tate.
682x511, 32.8K, 2009/04/13
Gabe, Ella and John had a great time playing in the water.
682x511, 39.5K, 2009/04/13
Gabe and Ella.
682x511, 42.5K, 2009/04/13
682x511, 44.9K, 2009/04/13
Where are their feet?
511x682, 47.2K, 2009/04/13
Lily enjoying her biscuit.
682x511, 87.2K, 2009/04/13
682x511, 60.1K, 2009/04/13
Chris teaching the girls some kind of ball game.
682x511, 65.6K, 2009/04/13

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