Castle Howard, April 2007

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3172c view
682x511, 63.7K, 2007/04/28
3173c EllaJohnMillieFrank
504x665, 81.1K, 2007/04/28
3175c LakeCafe
682x511, 135.3K, 2007/04/28
3176c TreeSun
682x511, 168.9K, 2007/04/28
3177c trees
511x682, 168.0K, 2007/04/28
3187c woods
682x511, 146.3K, 2007/04/28
3189c EllaSleeping
682x511, 74.7K, 2007/04/28
3213c trees
511x682, 163.3K, 2007/04/28
3222c rhododendronFrank
514x640, 151.9K, 2007/04/28
3226c rhododendron
740x498, 204.1K, 2007/04/28
3235c MillieFrankJohnElla
519x650, 151.2K, 2007/04/28
3242c rhododendron
613x511, 160.3K, 2007/04/28
3244c woods
511x682, 160.6K, 2007/04/28
3252c woods
553x688, 185.4K, 2007/04/28
3254c rhododendron
553x578, 124.3K, 2007/04/28
3256c JohnElla
597x443, 66.3K, 2007/04/28
3257c bridge
758x401, 61.9K, 2007/04/28
3258c staringIntoDistance
635x499, 65.8K, 2007/04/28
3260c femaleStatue
448x720, 52.2K, 2007/04/28
3262c maleStatue
626x511, 32.2K, 2007/04/28
3263c fountainLake
688x579, 73.1K, 2007/04/28
3267c fountain
486x681, 72.9K, 2007/04/28
3268c view
682x511, 63.1K, 2007/04/28
3269c lakeView
682x361, 31.0K, 2007/04/28
3270c John
682x511, 69.8K, 2007/04/28
3271c CastleHoward
682x511, 68.7K, 2007/04/28
3276c fountain
791x431, 55.1K, 2007/04/28
3277c fountain
631x511, 40.2K, 2007/04/28
3279c highFive
742x554, 81.0K, 2007/04/28
3285c Ella
673x590, 69.1K, 2007/04/28
3371c wall
511x682, 103.5K, 2007/04/28
3372c walledGarden
507x627, 74.6K, 2007/04/28
3391c train
682x511, 96.2K, 2007/04/28

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